The campaign for the renationalisation of the railways is gaining momentum!
Here is CPO Director Neil Clark's new article from The Guardian.
The 50th anniversary of the Great Train Robbery of August 1963 has been marked with a plethora of articles and the publication of new books. But why all the fuss, because the reality is that we're living through a Great Train Robbery which makes the activities of Ronnie Biggs and Co look insignificant. While Biggs and his gang only got away with £2.6m, the privatised train companies have (perfectly legally it must be said) taken billions from the public purse since 1996 – and have had the chutzpah to also charge us the highest rail fares in Europe...
The whole article can be read here.
If you would like to support the CPO's campaign to end the Great Privatised Train Robbery, then any donations would be greatly appreciated! And we're always looking for volunteers to help hand out our leaflets at demonstrations, so please get in touch if you can help!