Friday, September 2, 2011

Save the NHS! Write to your MP ahead of next week's vote

There's just a few days to go before the Third Reading of the government's appalling NHS Bill.

The BMA have made clear their opposition to the bill here.

It is clear that the troubled passage of the Health and Social Care Bill reflects real concern over the future direction of the health service in England…….
the BMA continues to call for the Bill to be withdrawn or, at the very least, to be subject to further, significant amendment......
We believe there continues to be an inappropriate and misguided reliance on "market forces" to shape services.

If you haven't done so already, please sign the 38 Degrees Save the NHS petition, and also write to/email your MP ahead of next week's important vote.

As Guardian commentator Seumas Milne says, we cannot allow the abolition of the NHS in all but name.

1 comment:

brian said...

This blog on the act and privitisation of the NHS by Mike Squires may be of interest